Kemppi MinarcTig 250 DC 400V, 250Amps TX225G

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  • £2,340.00
  • Regular price £2,831.12

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MinarcTig 250 400V, 250Amps TX225G Torch (4 or 8mtr) Package 

All TIG Packages incl.Tig Torch, Earth Return, Gas Hose and Regulator, Torch Spares, Tungstens, Pair of Tig Gloves, 230V 16Amp Plug fitted with 13Amp Adaptor Lead, (415V Plug 16/32Amp 4/5 Pin

MinarcTig 250 is the ideal DC TIG welding solution for installation, repair and maintenance applications. The 250 amp model suits high-quality work and the lightweight and compact size is a real bonus for professionals on the move around the site.

MinarcTig 250 is a dual-process machine, providing an impressive DC TIG and MMA welding experience. In addition to the basic 250 machine, there is the 250MLP model, equipped with special features, such as Minilog and pulsed arc function. High 35 % duty cycle and lightweight combine real performance advantages, plus exceptional control in low current ignition means refined TIG welding quality for precise applications.